Browse through the booths to find great buys and hidden treasures. Carrollton residents can rent 10"x10" spaces for $25 and non-residents for $27.50 to sell items. One table and two chairs will be provided for each booth. Applications can be picked up at Rosemeade Recreation Center, Crosby Recreation Center, or the Carrollton Senior Center beginning Monday, August 6 for residents and Monday, August 20 for non-residents. Applications must be turned in by Monday, September 10 in person so that you can select your booth space. Set up for the garage sale is 7-9am. Leftover items can be donated to Metrocrest Services from 1-2pm. Sellers must plan on and have enough items to stay until 1pm. The City of Carrollton reserves the right to screen and reject any items being sold to the public. For more information, call 972-466-9816.