Our clothes swap was such a great success, we thought we would try it again with household items to get your spring cleaning going. Out with the old and in with the new…..new to you at least.
Drop off Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Volunteers get first choice to swap: 12:00-1:00 and light lunch
Public Swap: 1:00-2:00
Bring your gently used or new household items that don’t quite fit in your house any longer. We will asses each item and give you tickets to then shop for new items. No cash will change hands, just good ole fashion exchanging. All items not picked up will be donated to Metrocrest Social Services.
The Details:
All items must be in working order. Great items to bring: holiday decorations, lamps, vases, decorative items, frames, kitchen items, serving plates, artificial plants. No TVs, printers, faxes or computers. No toys or baby items. No liquids of any kind. No furniture accepted. You must be able to lift it with one person. In other words, if you can’t carry it in, then no one will be able to carry it out.
We need volunteers to assist in sorting these items out. This event will be a part of Earth Week so get your groups together to assist us from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.. If you bring items, then you will get first choice to swap items from 12-1 p.m. Please email cathy@kcbadmin.org if you plan on volunteering.
Free recycle shopping bag if you bring 50 tickets worth of stuff. Otherwise, please bring your own bags or boxes to take your items out.