Address of the barking dog(s)
The specific address of the barking dog(s) is needed so we can ensure our Officer is addressing the right address. Failure to provide a physical address can slow down the investigation and prevent resolution.
Specific information about the barking.
When is the barking going on? Narrowing down specific times can help the animal owner pinpoint what might be triggering the barking.
Is it mail/package delivery? Trash being picked up? Is a neighbor walking past with their dog?
The more information that can be provided, the better opportunity there is to help speed up the resolution.
Your information.
Carrollton Animal Services will not give out your information to the animal owner. Complainants are anonymous to animal owners.
By providing us your information, Officers can follow up with any questions and case progress.
Our goal is to find a quick resolution for a peaceful neighborhood.
What happens after I have made my complaint?
FIRST COMPLAINT: An Animal Service Officer will speak with the animal owner and notify them of the complaint. As well as offer suggestions on how to curb the barking. The complainant will be contacted by phone to outline how future complaints will be handled.
You spoke with my neighbor, but nothing is getting better.
SECOND COMPLAINT: The animal owner and complainant will be encouraged to participate in our mediation process. The mediation is focused on bringing both parties together to find middle ground to resolve the noise complaint. Although mediation is not required to move to the next step, a complainant not participating may be cause to invalidate a Formal Complaint Form.
We did mediation but it's not working.
THIRD AND ALL SUBSEQUENT COMPLAINTS: All subsequent complaints must be accompanied by a Noise Complaint Log, filled out by the complainant, with a signed Formal Complaint Form. A detailed, specific and accurately kept log means a better chance of success if the case should be challenged in court. After this log is complete, the complainant will sign and return to Animal Services.
The Formal Complaint Form and Noise Complaint Log will be forwarded to the Carrollton Legal Department for their review. If sufficient evidence exists to support the complaint, the Prosecutor may support filing charges against the animal owner. If the complaint is denied, the complainant will be notified.
Please click here to download a copy of our Noise Complaint Log