Noise Complaints


Animal Services can work with you to help resolve most animal related concerns. Issues such as barking dogs can be addressed by calling 972-466-3420.

Excessive and disruptive barking is unlawful under city code.  A person wishing to file a noise complaint against the owner of a dog that is creating a disturbance by barking, howling or yelping must follow a specific process to reach the desired outcome.  

Our response time for most calls is 20 minutes. In most cases you will receive feedback, if requested, by the following workday. 

Address of the barking dog(s)

The specific address of the barking dog(s) is needed so we can ensure our Officer is addressing the right address. Failure to provide a physical address can slow down the investigation and prevent resolution.

Specific information about the barking.

When is the barking going on? Narrowing down specific times can help the animal owner pinpoint what might be triggering the barking.

Is it mail/package delivery? Trash being picked up? Is a neighbor walking past with their dog? 

The more information that can be provided, the better opportunity there is to help speed up the resolution.

Your information.

Carrollton Animal Services will not give out your information to the animal owner. Complainants are anonymous to animal owners.

By providing us your information, Officers can follow up with any questions and case progress.

Our goal is to find a quick resolution for a peaceful neighborhood.